
Jan 24, 2023

EAB is working online and offline to achieve 10 goals and objectives by 2023.

1. Eliminating unemployment by providing jobs to 5k+ unemployed engineers through EAB Job Assistance Unit.

2. Through EAB Training and Skill Development Unit, 7.2k engineers will be skilled.

3.10k+ engineering brothers will be given free job preparation classes through EAB Job Preparation and Sourcing Unit.

4. Through EAB Blood Donation and Health Unit, 2000+ blood donation and 20+ engineers or their family members will provide medical assistance.

5.10k+ Engineers (Polytechnics and University Colleges) will be given Free Vocational Classes through EAB Engineers Career Development Unit.

6. Making 1k+ engineer brothers and sisters as entrepreneurs through EAB Entrepreneurship and Research Unit.

7.Free membership to 20k+ engineering brothers and sisters through EAB (www.eabbd.org) website.

8. Add, invite 50k+ engineer brothers and sisters to EAB Facebook group.

9. Announcing full Committees in 64 districts in 10 organizational divisions of EAB.

10.To organize the EAB and work to establish the fundamental rights of engineers.